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Binox Browser Extension

V01. l Q4 2022

Updated over a week ago

With “Binox Browser Extension” You can now directly capture information from a company's websites or LinkedIn profiles with one click. You can purchase them and send them to your “PSA” or directly to your “Binox CRM” using our Browser Extension tool working on “Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser”, to take advantage of this tool please read the instructions below.

Pre-requisites: In order to send to “Binox CRM” or your “PSA” you need to have “Credits” available, click "here" to learn how Binox credit system works.

Step 1: Install Binox Browser Extension on Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Note: First, we need to download the “Binox Browser Extension” to your browser, please click “here” to re-direct you to Chrome web extensions to download our tool.

Binox Chrome Extension.

  • Click on “Add to Chrome”.

○ Select “Add extension”.

Binox Microsoft Edge Extension.

After you click this “link” to download Binox Browser Extension on Edge, select “Allow extensions from other stores” and then click on “Add to Chrome”.

Graphical user interface, text, application, website

Description automatically generated

Click on “Allow” and select “Add extension” on the prompt boxes to install the browser extension to Microsoft edge.

Note: After you successfully installed the browser extension, the following message will display on your right upper corner on Microsoft Edge:

Step 2: Binox Browser Extension features.

Important: Make sure you have your “Binox Browser Extension” pinned to your browser by clicking on the “eye” on Microsoft Edge or the “Pin” on Google Chrome. Now when you enter a website you will be able to see the number of leads available.

  1. Click on your Browser extension Icon” to open up your extension list.

  2. Select the Binox Browser Extension” from the list.

3. These are Binox credits” you have available to exchange for leads.

4. These are the Human Verified” leads available.

5. These display the Machine Verified” leads.

6. These are the "Contacts” you can choose from, you can select a list individually by putting a checkmark next to the name and by checking the “select all” to purchase the entire list.

Note: “Binox Browser Extension” has integrated features that helps you transfer your lead information from your browser to your tools.

This is how it works:

Warning: For each options selected “Credits” will be discounted from your Binox account.

  • Select the lead you are interested in with a checkmark and then click on “Send to”

  1. “Download” will help you acquire an Excel file with the contact information to your computer.

  2. “Save to list” send this information to your “list” under Lead Management.

  3. “Send to PSA” Will send this information to your current PSA linked to your Binox account.

Note: Depending on your PSA you can “Create Contact and Company” or “Add as an Opportunity”.

Important: You need to select all this information so Binox can send it to your PSA.

○ These are general examples; it depends on your PSA linked to your Binox account.

Under “Create Contact and Company” click on the down arrow” on each field and choose the corresponding company profiles to transfer to your PSA Contacts, when finished please click on “Save”.

  • When you select “Add as an opportunity” click on the down arrow” on each field and choose the corresponding company profile to transfer to your PSA.

Send to Binox CRM.

Note: If you are using “Binox CRM”, you can send your lead individually by clicking on the “Open in Binox” icon and this lead information will be transferred to your Binox CRM.

  • “Send to CRM” Will send this information to your current CRM linked to your Binox account.

Note: Depending on your CRM you can “Create Contact and Company” or “Add as an opportunity”.

Note: You need to select all this information so Binox can send it to your CRM.

These are general examples; it depends on your CRM linked to your Binox account.

  • Under “Create Contact and Company” click on the down arrow” on each field and choose the corresponding company profiles to transfer to your CRM Contacts List, when finished please click on “Save”.

  • When you select “Add as an opportunity” you have similar options by clicking on the down arrow you can choose the according lead profile options and by clicking “save” you can send this information to your CRM sale process.

For more information and more tutorials please “click” here.

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