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Email Template Builder

V01. l Q4 2022

Updated over a week ago

Text Box

With Binox “Email Template” you'll be able to send marketing material to your prospects, without having to write a single line of code. You also don’t need to be an expert marketing designer, simply have your logo, email signature, and some images with the verbiage you want and get started.

Pre-Requisites: For sending emails to your customers. You must have set up your email client under the “My Account” section on Binox, see instructions on how to connect them here: “Microsoft 365” or “G Suite”.

Step 1: Email Templates

  • Log into your Binox Account and click on “Marketing” in the upper right corner.

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Note: Under “Email templates” you can select predetermined templates or use your own templates.

  1. On “My Templates” You will find any templates you have created and saved in the past.

  2. You can “Search” for all your previous templates created using the name of the template.

  3. When you “Search” for a template, you can click on “Filters by Category” to deepen your results.

Step 2: Template Builder.

Important: “Template Builder” provides 3 sections where you can edit your templates to your liking, this tool will provide you with all you need to personalize the template according to your needs. Before going into detail, we explain the general functionality of each panel below.

  1. On the left side, you can find the “Content”, “Layout” and Pre-built” panel, this provides you the tools needed to create a new template by dragging and dropping each “Content” to the middle template preview section (2). Also, it lets you visualize your template's “Desktop” and “Mobile” previews.

  2. The middle section is where you build your template by “drag and drop” all the components from the left, this section will only display and update all the changes you make.

  3. The right panel is the “Configuration Panel” and "Email Settings" is where you can add the variables and details to the template you are creating.

Note: To build your new template, you need to “drag and drop” each content to the “Builder” middle screen, see the example below.

Email Settings

Under "Email Settings" you can make further changes to personalize your emails.

This is how it works:

  1. You can change the values on "Width" and "Breakpoint" to change the measurements of your emails.

  2. Click on the down arrow on "Font family", "Font size", "Line Height" and "Font Weight" to customize the fonts and settings you want to use throughout your email building.

  3. You can change the "Text Color", "Background Color" or "Content background" to upload an image to customize your email's background.

  4. IMPORTANT: The default position for your content is "Center", click on "Left" so all your text will default to the left.


  • Under “Builder,” you can preview and move content around, at the top left corner you can preview your template on a desktop or a Mobile.

○ At the upper right corner, you can undo or redo any work by clicking the arrows.

Note: This is an example of a “Mobile preview”, please see below.

Content Panel and Configuration.

Note: You can “redo”, “copy” or “delete” each content dragged to the builder by clicking the following Icons at the top of each section.

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1. Drag and drop “Text” to add any message to your template, also there is a word tool you can use when writing and editing your message.

  • On the “Configuration" Panel, you can edit and make all the changes to the text you need; all the changes you make are always displayed in the middle section of the” builder”.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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We make it easy how to edit your text by providing a "Text Toolbar" with all the features you need to create a professional email for your potential customers.

This is how it works:

1. You have the option to "Redo", "Copy" or "Delete" your text.

2. Click on "Merge Fields" to select the field name that you want to replace with your contact information when you send the email.

3. You can select what type of "Font" you want to use and "Size", also you can select "bold", "Italic", "Strikethrough", "Underline Effect", "Font Color" and "background-color" behind your font.

4. You can "Link" and "Unlink" any text to a webpage, to do so; Highlight any text and click on "Link", a window where you can copy-paste your link will pop up, paste your link and click on "Apply".

  • Highlight the linked text and click on "Unlink" to remove the link.

5. You can further edit your text by "Align Left", "Align Center" and "Align Right".

6. Click on "Order List" or "Unorder list" to add numbers or bullet points to your text.

7. Select "Line" to dive into your text sentences or paragraphs.

8. If you want to undo any font edits, highlight a text and click on "Remove format" so you can clear all the fonts type, colors, links, and effects on the text.

2. You can also drag and drop “Images” to your template if you want to personalize it even further.

  • Once you have “drag and drop” your image template, you can Upload your own image on the configuration panel, you can change the size and insert a link to redirect your customers to a URL.

3. You can add a “Button” and name it whatever you want and link it with an URL.

In the configuration column, you can edit your button name, size, typography and add a URL link to it.

4. Drag and drop a “Divider” to separate your sections as you see fit.

  • At the “Configuration” panel you can change the “Divider” attributes to your liking.

5. “Drag and drop” a “Spacer” to separate content from each other.

  • At the “Configuration panel,” you can choose the height, position and change your background color.

6. You can drag and drop “Social Media” icons and link them with your social media URLs.

  • Under the “Configuration” panel you can align, add or remove Social Media icons, also you can attach a URL Link to each to redirect your customers.

7. Drag and drop “Hero” to use a pre-build template for fast and easy editing.

  • You can “Configure” your pre-build “Hero” content by changing or deleting the image, adding a background color and adding a URL Link for your customers.

8. Drag and drop “Wrapper” to create different segments within one template.

  • Under the “Configuration” panel, you can add an image or change the background color for each individual “Wrapper” segment you created.


  • Under “Layout” you can add extra Columns and further customize your mail to your preference by "drag and drop" to the builder, Look at the example below.


  • The “Pre-Built” panel is almost the same as the “Content”, but we simplified building a template by creating a pre-build “Header”, “Banner”, “Content” and “Signature” all in one.

    ○ “Drag and drop” them to the “Builder” to start working on them.

Send Test Email and Save.

  • At the upper right corner, you can send a “test email”, type in any email you have access to, and click on send. Check your email to see a preview of your Binox email template.

    Note: If you do not receive an email, check your junk mail.

  • To “Save” your work, click on save to pull up the “Save Template” form, you can name the template and assign it to a Category of your choosing.

Click "here" for more information and the latest tutorials.

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