Searching for results by contacts within Binox MSP is one of the simplest ways to find new prospects. Our lead generation tool was designed with a simple yet effective customer experience in mind, making it easier for you to discover the exact opportunities your business needs.
Once you have searched for your ICP (Ideal Client Profile by contact) within Binox lead system. (Click here if you haven’t) You can now see all the results displayed on your screen.
Important: You can "check or uncheck" on human or machine-verified leads to filter them in or out of your lead results.
Human Verified Example.
Machine Verified Example.
Lead Information
Click on the lead row to expand the information of each contact.
Important: To search for all contact results, you need to scroll down, Binox will keep loading contacts until you reach the end of the list.
How to purchase leads.
1. As you browse through the available leads, simply click on the checkbox of the ones you'd like to add to your purchase cart. The cart should automatically update to reflect the number of leads you've selected.
2. Once you've added all desired leads to your purchase cart, navigate to the right upper corner of the screen and click on the cart icon. This will take you to the checkout cart, where you can review the leads you've selected and make any necessary adjustments.
3. On the checkout cart, you will find options to export the leads to your CRM or PSA, download an Excel spreadsheet, or save them to a list to purchase later.
Note: Selecting the Send to CRM or PSA option will automatically send the leads to your connected platforms. Click here how to connect your PSA
If you want to open the lead on Binox CRM
Click on “Open in Binox” icon on the right side of the contact information to make the purchase, this will transfer the information to Binox internal CRM.
For more information, please click the video below.
For more information and the latest tutorials, visit our Help Center.